Massive Shoulders in Minutes
If you’re looking to develop an impressive, muscular physique, well-developed shoulders are an absolute must. Thick, round “cannon ball delts” will make your upper body appear wide and powerful and...
View ArticleBoozing Harms Losing Belly Fat
As we attempt to cope and deal with the pressures in our lives, alcohol consumption is becoming too much of the norm. We release our stress sometimes via an alcoholic beverage or two without thinking...
View ArticleHow To Increase Water Absorption
For years we’ve been told to drink 8 glasses of water per day for optimum hydration, but that has since been proven to be an unreliable number. Natural health experts now recommend drinking half your...
View ArticleHow To Make Kombucha Tea
Kombucha tea has a history going back thousands of years. Calling it a tea doesn’t really give it the credit it deserves. The Kombucha culture may use tea and sugar solution as food, but the resulting...
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